It is our aim to educate, equip, and encourage professional Christian coaches to use your abilities, talents, and experiences to help others in a bigger way.
We equip you with the latest models and tools to launch a successful coaching ministry to do all that God is calling you to do as a coach!
The Spirit Filled Dream Coach programme covers key concepts that allow you to gain relevant Spiritual Coaching Skills.
Practical life transformation skills powered by spiritual insight.
Become a Spiritual Life Coach and embark on the greatest journey that will equip you to;
empower, inspire and provide guidance to those around you in the most meaningful way possible.
3 Months covering:
Module 1 in 2 Weeks
Module 2 in 4 Weeks
Module 3 in 4 Weeks
Module 4 in 2 Weeks
Weekly Virtual Classes with
Dr. Richie .
About the Course
Course Outline
Get your Coaching Toolbox
Module 1:
Understanding the role of a Coach
Defining Coaching and the role of the coach
Coaching best practices
Defining the 9 fruits of the spirit and life application.
Module 2: Developing Self-Awareness, Leadership skills and a success Mind-Set
Defining the 7 laws of leadership:
Gain greater insight into your personal behaviors and their impact on the results you achieve
Develop a personal commitment and drive even during set-backs and obstacles.
Create clear plans on what needs to be done and when.
Gain confidence in making decisions and taking action.
Developing a Success Mindset for yourself and others.
The Spiritual road to happiness:
Taking a look limiting beliefs and how they bold you back
How to move into the road of happiness, and spirituality.
Module 3: Working and coaching within Relationships
Working with the 9 basic human needs
Learning about the different ‘tribes’ and which tribe you belong to.
Develop effective communications skills.
Building rapport with your coachee.
Developing your coaching model .
Trending! Connect Data From Your Collection
How to use and apply the coaching strategies of “Am coming out “.
Learn how to use the Practical tools for productivity.
Work with a powerful goal setting tool for you and your coaches.
You will receive the TOOLBOX
TO THE VALUE OF R 2 500.00
containing a variety of templates / samples / e-mails that you can use to coach, support and interact with your coachee's;
Practical spiritual coaching exercises and worksheets including but not limited to;
Vision Worksheet
Confidence Building worksheets
Negative self talk exercise
Change your thinking
50 Affirmations for Spiritual devotion.
Gratitude Tracker
Overcoming fear
Communication Worksheets.
Dating without fear Worksheets
Flattening the Toxic relationship curve
Making new friends
Improve your speaking skills and more.
Business Templates;
Email templates
Coaching Agreements / Contract Samples
Invoice Samples and Payment Agreements Form
Planner samples
Howt o ask for promotions and career development
Policies and procedures Sample
Referral request samples
Simple and quick “How to” samples for your coachee’s career development.
Dr. Richie guides your through his Divinely Inspired meditation series.
Am Coming Out (Hard copy)
30 day productivity journal in a printable version.
Business Leadership Coaching (2 Day) Course
Instructor Guide
Student Workbook
Book your seat at the next course event. Limited seats available.
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