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The Soulift Club
16.65RIs God's teachings guiding you through to success?Valid for 3 months- Buy 3 months and only pay R 100 per month (Exchange rates)
- Develop skills and interests in a supported environment.
- Receive weekly video on-line lessons with Dr Richie & Guest
- Gain exclusive access to articles for Christian Executives
- Enjoy a sense of community, make friends and network.
Youth Entrepreneurship Club
16.65RGet results that last a lifetime. Your transformation begins here.Valid for 3 months- Buy 3 months and only pay R 100 per month (Exchange rates)
- Exclusive access to video tutorials
- Interact in real-time with real professional e-Mentors
- Guidance for young people between the ages 18-24
- Creative exercises & practical advice for hands-on learning
- Career advice and articles
Motivational Maps
3,360RMotivational Maps are an accurate self-perception inventory based on three clusters of motivationValid for 3 months- Motivational Maps Analysis and Strategy
PDA Assessment and Coaching
3,300RPDA Assessment identifies people’s behavioural profile and their uniqueness, manages their talent.Valid for 3 months- Roadmap to Happiness
- PDA Assessment
7 Laws of Self-Leadership
3,200RPersonal discovery journey from insecurity to purpose and direction.Valid for 8 weeks- 7 Laws of Self-Leadership
Combine the power of learning at your own pace within the dynamic of being support by Dr. Richie Achukwu and his team.
You will experience life-changing
personal growth, accountability and
meet like-minded individuals on the
path to SUCCESS.
Upgrade your belief systems and re-design your inner programming to harness and change your REALITY.
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Don't stress, let's do this the old fashioned way.
Complete the form and we will send you an invoice with bank details for an EFT.
Do you know what MOTIVATES you?
Click to find out more about this revolutionary motivational analysis tool!
IT's brand new
PDA (Personal Development Analysis) is a behavioural assessment that through a simple, precise and scientific methodology allows us to discover and analyze peoples’ behavioural profiles. It also allows us to evaluate the behavioural and competency requirements of a job thereby ensuring you select and develop the right people into the right positions.
The PDA Assessment does not qualify behavioural profiles as “good or bad”; it describes the evaluated individual’s behavioural characteristics

Personal Development Analysis
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