Welcome to the official website of Dr Richie Solutions
Life coach, entrepreneur, revolutionary author,
Businessman and motivational speaker
When my clients forget their dreams, it is my honour to show up and re-ignite the embers and start an everlasting bonfire. I have dedicated my life to working with individuals, teams and organisations like you that will make a difference in the world. I will teach, preach, share, move and shake the very foundation - if that is what it takes for success to show up in your life, business and team I love to travel and have spent time with thousands of people throughout the world, from single parents making ends meet to large corporations and executives. I enjoy meeting and working with people from all walks of life. Let us create strategies that make a difference to your businesses, life and home.
Every great
sportsman and
successful executive
has the best coach in their corner -
Isn't it time you have your own?
Invest in yourself - It's a SURE thing!
Leader Within Women's Workshop
You don’t have to use coaching right away;
it’s only important that you are open to the idea of using it soon.
Coaching with Dr. Richie and his team means your personal and professional results improve drastically regardless of who you are!